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Smart solutions for the agricultural sector


Does climate change force the agricultural sector to become more sustainable? Perhaps, but the fact is that the sector will face major challenges in the coming years. Land degradation and drought have a negative impact on crop yields and quality, forcing agriculture to produce differently and smarter.

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The focus shifts from soil fertility to soil health. Various soil characteristics become important to detect, investigate – and improve.

Gaining insight into the condition of the soil is a valuable starting point for soil improvement. Soil compaction, permeability and pH are all important parameters to measure, but soil carbon and microbial life will also become essential.

Royal Eijkelkamp looks at the challenges for the agricultural sector and comes up with smart solutions.

From our soil sampling and analysis equipment, both in the field and in the laboratory, to products that help provide insight into invisible water loss or improve soil health, we show you our proven products, as well as new innovations that help to sustainable way forward.

Soil quality research

At the root of successful agriculture is healthy soil. Aspects such as soil moisture, particle size distribution and microbial life all influence the growth of crops. Research of these soil parameters should be conducted prior to making decisions for soil improvement.

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