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Quality monitoring well

With the quality monitoring well you can quickly and accurately install a monitoring well complete with filter sand and bentonite sleeve. Ensures reliable hydrological sealing of closable layers.


The quality monitoring well consists of three components:

Prefab filter with filter sand and filter gauze
The prefab filter consists of a HDPE filter tube with a pre-packed filter held together by a filter gauze. After installation of the filter in the borehole, only larger particles are retained by the gauze, while the smaller particles remain in the pre-filled filter sand. The function of the pipe slits is to retain only the pre-filled sand. The resulting filter is efficient, while the filter sleeve with filter sand ensures perfect centering of the filter, both in a borehole and in a casing.

Blind pipe with bentonite collar
The HDPE pipes with threaded coupling and a length of 1 m are supplied with a bentonite collar. When the monitoring well is installed, a drilling pipe is first placed in the borehole. Subsequently, the monitoring well and the prefabricated filter must be secured in a vertical position, whereby they are lowered together into the auger hole. Once the prefab filter has been lowered to the correct depth, the drill casing can be removed. The space around the monitoring wells in the borehole with an impermeable soil layer is sealed by installing the blind pipe with the bentonite sleeve attached to it. The monitoring wells are supplied in packs of 5 pieces.

Sand/bentonite catcher
The plastic sand cathcher serves to prevent sand from running into or out of the space around the monitoring wells. As long as the bentonite sleeve has not yet swollen sufficiently, sand can still penetrate because the bentonite swells only slowly. The applied sand catcher prevents sand from penetrating while the bentonite is still swelling.

All main components (HDPE pipe, filter sand and bentonite) are approved for use in environmental soil research (according to KIWA).

Available product variations: 

The quality filter is currently available in 3 versions:

  • Minifilter
    for use in drill pipes with a minimum diameter of 36 to approximately 45 mm internally. Matching blind pipe with bentonite collar with a diameter of 35 mm. The filter and blind pipes have a diameter of 20 mm
  • Quality filter
    for use in boreholes and drill pipes from 70 to 100 mm internal diameter. Matching blind pipe with bentonite collar with a diameter of 60 mm and a version of 70 mm. The filter and blind pipes have a diameter of 32 mm.
  • Quality filter 2 inch
    for use in boreholes and drill pipes from 100 mm to approximately 180 mm. Matching blind pipe with bentonite collar with a diameter of 100 mm. The filter and blind pipes have a diameter of 63 mm.