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Monitoring well with GDT Prime Plus modem
Monitoring well with GDT Prime Plus modem
Transmit your sensor data


For data transmission and management, your data loggers need to be able to communicate. Connect your sensors, meters, and probes to the Global Data Transmitter (GDT) modem range of Royal Eijkelkamp and transmit sensor data anywhere in the world.

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Monitoring well with GDT Prime Plus modem

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The Global Data Transmitter modem range

Made for use in the field

Our GDT modem range is designed for extended use in the field. It transmits the data collected by your sensors on water levels, temperature, conductivity, rainfall, soil moisture, and more in a secure way.

3 ways to connect: GPRS, UMTS or LTE

Depending on the country or purpose

The modems are available in different versions for global connectivity. No matter where you are in the world, connect our GDT line to the network via your preferred technology. 

Choose the SIM for your application

The SIM card in your modem functions much like it would in a mobile phone. It connects the modem to the network that's used to transmit the data. The Eijkelkamp SIM is for our own network and the easiest set-up. Alternatively, you could choose a modem without a SIM card to use one of your own. 

Data subscriptions

The modem requires an active data subscription to transmit data via the SIM. Our sales specialists are happy to help you set up the subscription suitable for your needs. 

Sandra da Cruz Rodrigues

Get in touch with our specialists

Need advice choosing the right product for your application? Our specialist Sandra is happy to help.