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Soil Life Score Cards

The Soil Life Score Card for sustainable soil management

SOLISCA gives you insight into the state of soil biology on your field. This gives a clear picture of the health of your soil and helps to identify the causes of problems in crop growth.

  • Effective and affordable measuring tool for sustainable soil management
  • Gives a clear picture of the resilience of your soil
  • Provides insight into both the quantity and quality of soil life
  • Clear representation of the results in an online platform


The Soil Life Score Card provides an indication of the presence of micro-organisms and microfauna in soil and compost. In order to take care of soil life, insight is a prerequisite. This insight makes it possible to steer soil management in a targeted way. It is also possible to monitor the effect of tillage or soil improvers. With SOLISCA you get a quantitative and qualitative assessment of various groups of organisms. This will show whether your soil biology consists of favourable or unfavourable organisms and in what quantities these organisms are present. These data are important indicators of the state of your soil.

For more information or to request an analysis, go to the SOLISCA platform.

Sandra van der Linden

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