Royal Eijkelkamp has gouge auger bottom parts in various types and sizes and with different types of connections.
Royal Eijkelkamp's gouge augers are of high quality and hand-forged. They are made of non-toxic steel with a high tensile strength. Gouge augers are ideal for carrying out profile research and sampling. There are gouge augers that are suitable for soft soils or gouge augers that are extra weighted to take a sample in harder soils.
Due to the minimal disturbance of the sample, the gouge auger is often applied in profile research for:
Available bottom parts Gouge bayonet connection 50 cm, Ø 30 mm Gouge bayonet connection 100 cm, Ø 30 mm Gouge, conical thread 100 cm, Ø 30 mm Gouge, conical thread 100 cm, Ø 30 mm, weighted Gouge bayonet connection 100 cm, Ø 40 mm
If you want to know which bottom piece is suitable for your situation, read the section on Gouge augers at the bottom of the page.
Need advice choosing the right product for your application? Our specialist Joost is happy to help.