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Watermark Soil Moisture Measuring System
Watermark Soil Moisture Measuring System

Watermark soil moisture measuring system


The Royal Eijkelkamp Watermark soil moisture measuring system is used to read out soil moisture sensors that measure moisture tension in the soil. With this soil moisture measuring system, more accurate measurements are possible due to the more consistent distribution of the pores.

  • Low-cost measuring instrument
  • Results directly expressed as soil suction
  • Range allows measuring trees and dry crops
  • Also good for irrigation advice
  • No field maintenance of probes


The measuring principle is similar to that of the gypsum block system. The special sensors however do not dissolve in the soil and have a more consistent distribution of pores so that more accurate measurements are possible.

The soil moisture sensors, which have a measuring range of 0-200 kPa (0 - 200 cbar), can be used individually or in combination with a PVC tube (in various lengths) for measuring the moisture tension. The condition for reliable measurements is the optimal contact between sensor and soil. Using the special auger, the holes are pre-drilled so that the soil moisture sensors can be placed at various depths. The sensors are buried permanently and have an average life of 3-5 years.

By using a soil temperature meter, the temperature measured can be set in the soil moisture meter allowing for temperature correction. The electrical resistance is converted by the soil moisture meter into moisture tension in kPa. The soil moisture sensors can be used as a replacement for tensiometers in most agricultural and landscape irrigation environments. If a series of soil moisture measurements is required, the soil moisture sensors can be connected easily to a datalogger.


  • Irrigation research
  • Soil moisture measurements


Watermark soil moisture measuring system
Maximum measuring depth > 100 centimetre
Measuring accuracy ± 5%
Measuring range 0 - 2000 hPa
Reading accuracy 0.5%
Registration type Logging
Volume of material needed 30 milliliter
Sieve apertures 0.063, 0.090, 0.125, 0.180, 0.250, 0.355, 0.500, 0.710, 1.00, 2.00, 4.00, 8.00 mm
Height 1.96 inch | 50 mm